Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Materialistic me

I read a devotion today about materialism, well it was about Unwavering Conformity. This particular devotion took a look at materialism and idolatry. In ancient Israel there was a constant struggle between worship of God and worship of idols. In our culture the idols usual are not carved of stone or wood but they do exist as "strongholds" in our minds.
This stronghold of materialism has crept in to our churches and lives so much so that it is hardly even noticed anymore. Materialism is defined as:
1 a : a theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality and that all being and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or results of matter 
  b : a doctrine that the only or the highest values or objectives lie in material well-being and in the furtherance of material progress  
c : a doctrine that economic or social change is materially caused — compare historical materialism
2: a preoccupation with or stress upon material rather than intellectual or spiritual things 
It is the second definition that has crept in. Not so much a doctrine or theory but a definite preoccupation with material rather than intellectual or spiritual things.  We do however invent or create doctrines to prop up the materialistic mindset. How many times have we been told that Jesus said "All these things would be added to you."? He did say that but only after he said, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you." The kingdom comes first. Also, Jesus said these things, and here is is speaking of material stuff, would be added to you. (Emphasis mine). Our problem is we tend to multiply these things to ourselves instead of letting God add them.
Further in our desire to prop up our materialistic drive with spirituality we talk about success and favor. Reducing the favor of God; granted to do exploits like set nations free, slay giants, win tremendous battles to something God grants so that we make more money!
I have taken several trips outside of the United States and been very blessed to meet some of God's children in some of the poorest nations on earth. I met people who have dirt floors in their churches and in their homes. People who spread jam on bread so thinly that the color of the bread barely changes, because it has to last, it is a treat. People who still draw today's water from a small well. I met people who have never tasted any meat other than chicken in their entire lives. One thing that I noticed immediately was the joy with which these people served the Lord.
It made me wonder, how can they be so happy with so little? It made me wonder, what is wrong with me? I have everything, (comparatively) yet I do not know this level of joy, contentment, and peace.
We have fallen into belief that joy comes from stuff. Joy cannot come from stuff, joy is a fruit of the spirit.
Materialism is truly driving the church insane we like the church with daycare, theatre seating, cafe's,  short sermons, good music and low commitments. In our homes we have all the latest technology and comfort while working two jobs to pay for everything. We have huge mortgages and high property taxes because schools in low property tax areas are woefully unsuited for our brilliant children. 
We have become the people of Haggai 1:6 We planted much and reaped a little. Why? Our priorities are out of whack.
I don't mean to say we need to be poor and have nothing; I mean to say we need to believe we don't need everything. We have to get the focus off of our wants and return to a simpler life. One of trust in our Abba to supply all of our needs according to his riches in glory.
If we are not careful we end up acting like the Philistines of the Old Testament book of Judges. They capture the Ark of the Covenant in battle and set it before the idol of Dagon in their temple. When they came in hte next day Dagon was face down in front of the Ark. They proceeded to prop their god back up in front of the Ark. The next day they came in and Dagon was on his face again this time his arms and legs were CUT not broken, CUT off. Materialism is a false and powerless god that cannot stand in the presence of GOD.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Groundhog's Day & Valentine's Day

February is the month of Groundhog's Day and Valentine's Day.  It is interesting that those two holidays fall in the same month.

Valentine's Day has been celebrated for years.  We see cherubs, cupid, hearts, candy hearts with  messages on them, etc.  Groundhog's Day is a crazy day in which for some reason all eyes are fixed upon a hole in the ground and a furry little rodent who supposedly foretells the time remaining until winter's end.

One of the holiday is about love and the other is a fun but really pointless exercise.  Which holiday will you live out this month?  Most people remember the movie Groundhog's Day.  Bill Murray is a reporter sent to cover the event in small town Pennsylvania, and he gets stuck in that town and in that day.  He works hard to get out of the time loop, but he remains there until he personally changes.

This month instead of going through the same old motions over and over, instead of fighting the same old battles again and again, embrace the holiday of love.  Not just the love of your family, focus on the source of love.  1 John 4:8 says, "God is Love."  This month reach out not just for love but for God who is love and break the hold of the same ol' same ol'.  Change, learn, grow.  Say goodbye to Groundhog's day and the fun but pointless exercises of life.

Pastor Chris

Monday, January 16, 2012

Do You Not Perceive It?

                              Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The beginning of a new year has always seemed to hold out so much hope to me.  I think about Isaiah 43:16, “See I do a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
The part of that scripture that grabs my attention is the question, “do you not perceive it?”  Here the Lord is speaking to His people telling them He is up to something new and He stops to ask if they have noticed it!
Look, He is making a  way in the desert.  Deserts are inhospitable, yucky, sand and heat.  They are difficult to travel across now, let alone in the days of the Old Testament, and God is telling His people, “I am making a way, in the desert.”  God is taking a place of difficulty and making it easier to get through.  They still have to go through it but it is easier now than before.
Further, He is taking wasted space, wastelands and putting streams in them.  What was wasted space, not good for farming or anything is about to become fertile land!  God is saying He is taking what we consider wasted, or troublesome and making it fertile soil with refreshing streams flowing through it.
If last year looks like a desert or wasted space, praise God!  You are about to look back and see that He made it easier to get through than you thought.  You are about to be refreshed from what you thought was a wasteland.
The question remains, though; will you perceive it?  Stop looking through the eyes of worry and defeat.  Stop counting all the bad, start looking at things through redeemed eyes  Don’t miss what God is doing in your desert wastelands; perceive in Jesus’ name perceive!

Pastor Chris

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What Will You Do With Your Freedom?

"You've come to fight as free men... And free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?"

"Fight? Against that? No! We will run. And we will live."

"Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!" (Braveheart)

What will you do with your freedom in Christ? Will you show the enemy that he can't take that away from you, or will you run and stay in bondage? Choose to stand up to the enemy and be free in Christ.

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a toke of bondage.". Galatians 5:1

- Submitted by Brittany Wooden

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Dependence Day!

It is July and our nation celebrates its independence this month. I love the fireworks, cookouts and family fun associated with the Fourth of July as much as anyone. I just want to take a minute to reflect on another thought.

As our country celebrates independence don't forget to celebrate your dependence. As a Christian we recognize our dependence on Christ. We are not saved because we are smarter, prettier or better than anyone else. We are saved because of what He did for us. Without his love, mercy and sacrifice we could not know the joy of relationship with our Father. We are dependent on Him. The Bible says, He gives help to the needy, strength to the weak, the power to get wealth and every good and perfect gift comes from him. We depend on Him for salvation, health, wealth, joy, really each breath we breathe is a gift from Him.

Happy Dependence Day!

Pastor Chris

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mustard Seed Faith

"If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible." Matthew 17:20

My son, who is 10, asked me what the mustard seed meant and I started to tell him what I had been told; that it meant faith no matter how small could move mountains. Then I started to study about the mustard seed and found that it isn't about the size but rather the quality that is important.

The seed is so hearty it can grow and thrive in most any condition. It is various colors of white, brown, and black, and only 1% of a seed bag can overtake an entire field. It is the most persistent, invasive species and thrives regardless of the situation. I was reminded that it only took 12 disciples and their persistence to continue regardless of circumstance to spread Christianity worldwide.

So the next time you think, "What can I do, I am only one person", remember, all you need is "Mustard Seed Faith", the kind that persists regardless of whatever is in your way. A "field" of many unsaved can become a harvest of many.

Submitted by: Diane Carson-Smolios

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Clothe Me

Last week I woke up and it had snowed again, and I began to get so mad at the weather; it was starting my day of very badly.  Then I looked outside my window and saw the peonies just popping up through the snow.  The leaves stood straight up totally without regard to the weather, seeming to say, "Here I am ready to grow."

I was reminded of Matthew 6:28, "Why are you anxious about clothing?  Consider the lilies of the field and how they grow, they neither toil nor spin." and how we are so often tossed in the wind.  So often we let life's daily difficulties distract us from our purpose.  This spring I would like us to remember that as it says in Matthew 6, everything is taken care of for us.  We should focus ourselves on what our purpose is, not on what our problems say.  So listen to your burdens and pray about how you can use your past to reach out and help others.  God reminded me the other day that that my burdens are my own, my purpose, and others have their own.  I do believe that we can all use our own individual purposes to bring together a unique purpose entwined together.

So, raise your arms and say, "No matter what, God, I am ready to grow."

~ Diane Carson-Smolios, Women's Ministry President