Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mustard Seed Faith

"If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible." Matthew 17:20

My son, who is 10, asked me what the mustard seed meant and I started to tell him what I had been told; that it meant faith no matter how small could move mountains. Then I started to study about the mustard seed and found that it isn't about the size but rather the quality that is important.

The seed is so hearty it can grow and thrive in most any condition. It is various colors of white, brown, and black, and only 1% of a seed bag can overtake an entire field. It is the most persistent, invasive species and thrives regardless of the situation. I was reminded that it only took 12 disciples and their persistence to continue regardless of circumstance to spread Christianity worldwide.

So the next time you think, "What can I do, I am only one person", remember, all you need is "Mustard Seed Faith", the kind that persists regardless of whatever is in your way. A "field" of many unsaved can become a harvest of many.

Submitted by: Diane Carson-Smolios

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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