Monday, January 16, 2012

Do You Not Perceive It?


The beginning of a new year has always seemed to hold out so much hope to me.  I think about Isaiah 43:16, “See I do a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
The part of that scripture that grabs my attention is the question, “do you not perceive it?”  Here the Lord is speaking to His people telling them He is up to something new and He stops to ask if they have noticed it!
Look, He is making a  way in the desert.  Deserts are inhospitable, yucky, sand and heat.  They are difficult to travel across now, let alone in the days of the Old Testament, and God is telling His people, “I am making a way, in the desert.”  God is taking a place of difficulty and making it easier to get through.  They still have to go through it but it is easier now than before.
Further, He is taking wasted space, wastelands and putting streams in them.  What was wasted space, not good for farming or anything is about to become fertile land!  God is saying He is taking what we consider wasted, or troublesome and making it fertile soil with refreshing streams flowing through it.
If last year looks like a desert or wasted space, praise God!  You are about to look back and see that He made it easier to get through than you thought.  You are about to be refreshed from what you thought was a wasteland.
The question remains, though; will you perceive it?  Stop looking through the eyes of worry and defeat.  Stop counting all the bad, start looking at things through redeemed eyes  Don’t miss what God is doing in your desert wastelands; perceive in Jesus’ name perceive!

Pastor Chris

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