Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Once in prayer I saw something in my spirit. I was praying and I saw a small clear pond. Then a stone was pitched out into the middle. The Lord asked me, "What do you see?" I answered, "The stone hit the pond and now ripples are spreading out wider and wider from where it hit the water."

Then the Lord asked another question. "What does this represent?" Well I knew the answer and so I said, "This is influence, a small thing hit the water and the ripples spread out further and further. That is what influence is like. It might seem small but that small stone has lasting effects. So do little things like the words we use when speaking to others, or the way we treat others." I felt pretty smart and waited for God to tell me I was correct. He did not.

Instead the Lord said, "No what you see here and what you described is only the surface effect of influence. You did not see the stone settle into the bottom of the pond and forever change the make up of the pond. The little things you say and do can settle into the lives, and hearts of people and forever change the make up of that life. That is influence."

Now that can really shake you up if you think about the stupid things we sometimes do and say. However I was and am excited about the potential for good in this word. Little acts of Christlike love, compassion and understanding can forever impact the make up of a person's life.

Think about the influence you already have at work, or in your family with your friends. As a dad, a husband, and a pastor I know that I have almost unlimited potential to bless or harm people. On days when I spend time in prayer and reading the scripture I believe that influence is for the good more times than not. On days when I rush through or get in too much of a hurry to wait on God my influence is not always the best.

What would happen in our lives if we took time to really pray for God to guide our influence each day. What kind of pebbles are you tossing into peoples lives every day? Remember the surface of influence is ever widening, but the deep impact of influence cannot be seen on the surface.

God works in the deep places.

Pastor Chris


  1. "forever change the make up of the pond." I don't think we realize that we are impacting people every day, whether intentionally or unintentionally. It is important to be intentional, and strive to make a positive impact.

  2. Allowing God to influence my life is changing everything that i do on a daily basis. First, I THINK now before i speak. I want that pebble to build up someone and raise them higher. So what if they inconvenience me for instance and hold me up when i really need to rush and they need to vent...God's love in me might just relieve them of some stress, and maybe just maybe they'll feel loved for once instead of discarded. And pebble by pebble they'll stand higher and be able to reach for Gods hand when they need it.
