Saturday, February 11, 2012

Groundhog's Day & Valentine's Day

February is the month of Groundhog's Day and Valentine's Day.  It is interesting that those two holidays fall in the same month.

Valentine's Day has been celebrated for years.  We see cherubs, cupid, hearts, candy hearts with  messages on them, etc.  Groundhog's Day is a crazy day in which for some reason all eyes are fixed upon a hole in the ground and a furry little rodent who supposedly foretells the time remaining until winter's end.

One of the holiday is about love and the other is a fun but really pointless exercise.  Which holiday will you live out this month?  Most people remember the movie Groundhog's Day.  Bill Murray is a reporter sent to cover the event in small town Pennsylvania, and he gets stuck in that town and in that day.  He works hard to get out of the time loop, but he remains there until he personally changes.

This month instead of going through the same old motions over and over, instead of fighting the same old battles again and again, embrace the holiday of love.  Not just the love of your family, focus on the source of love.  1 John 4:8 says, "God is Love."  This month reach out not just for love but for God who is love and break the hold of the same ol' same ol'.  Change, learn, grow.  Say goodbye to Groundhog's day and the fun but pointless exercises of life.

Pastor Chris