Thursday, March 31, 2011

Clothe Me

Last week I woke up and it had snowed again, and I began to get so mad at the weather; it was starting my day of very badly.  Then I looked outside my window and saw the peonies just popping up through the snow.  The leaves stood straight up totally without regard to the weather, seeming to say, "Here I am ready to grow."

I was reminded of Matthew 6:28, "Why are you anxious about clothing?  Consider the lilies of the field and how they grow, they neither toil nor spin." and how we are so often tossed in the wind.  So often we let life's daily difficulties distract us from our purpose.  This spring I would like us to remember that as it says in Matthew 6, everything is taken care of for us.  We should focus ourselves on what our purpose is, not on what our problems say.  So listen to your burdens and pray about how you can use your past to reach out and help others.  God reminded me the other day that that my burdens are my own, my purpose, and others have their own.  I do believe that we can all use our own individual purposes to bring together a unique purpose entwined together.

So, raise your arms and say, "No matter what, God, I am ready to grow."

~ Diane Carson-Smolios, Women's Ministry President